Registers of Cultural Entities

Design a comprehensive IT solution for dynamic creation and filling of registers of cultural entities.

Prize money for the winner: 3000 €

Prize money pre víťazov:

1. miesto 3000 €​
2. miesto 2000 €​
3. miesto 1000 €​

draft mk hackathon-03

Description of the Initial Situation

The Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic does not have a register of all existing legal entities in the field of art, culture, and the creative industries, making it difficult to implement measures aimed at the entire sector. Its significance became fully apparent after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic when the ministry needed to target governmental support, but it did not have a complete list of eligible entities.

Existing registers

  • Sectors of cultural heritage (museums, galleries, libraries) – nearing 100% repletion
  • Art sector (visual arts, theaters, musical entities) – low repletion
  • Sectors falling under KKP (architecture, design, gaming industry) – no registers

Publicly available data

  • Register of non-governmental non-profit organizations
  • Commercial Register
  • Finstat
  • Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

This task requires a “tailor-made” solution, including considerations for information and cybernetic security, with no suitable commercial solution available on the market.

Expected solution

The output of the hackathon should be a document outlining the method of creating an information system (IS) that will contain registers of legal entities whose main activities have an artistic or cultural character, as well as the method of filling it with data and how to obtain, process, and display this data.


Aim of the Hackathon

Create an information system that will contain registers of legal entities whose main activities have an artistic or cultural character, analyze and propose from which data sources and how the IS will obtain, process, and fill data into the registers.

Why we organize a Hackathon

The need to identify all stakeholders in culture arises from the Cultural and Creative Industry Strategy of the Slovak Republic until 2030, created by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic. This strategy was consulted with external experts and approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic on June 12, 2023. Specifically, it involves measure 1.5.1 to identify infrastructure in culture and the creative industry, with the aim of preparing a cultural law defining entities and infrastructure of culture and creative industry for legal entities and individuals.

Additionally, according to Act No. 265/2022 Coll. on publishers of publications and on the register in the field of media and audiovisuals and on amendment of certain laws, the Ministry is obliged in the future to maintain and publish a register, which is an information system of public administration containing updated information. The register must be maintained on the ministry’s website and must be accessible to the public.

Public administration institutions need to make informed decisions based on quality data and analysis. The solution of creating a tool for any future registry will provide open possibilities for other ministries and public administration institutions, as well as for the Ministry of Culture itself.

1. Demaskovanie dezinformácií
  • Rozpoznávanie dezinformácií a iného škodlivého obsahu pomocou smart technológií

  • Označovanie škodlivého obsahu na internete automatizovanou formou

  • Overovanie informácií zo sociálnych sietí
2. Mediálna gramotnosť
  • Testovanie mediálnej gramotnosti interaktívnou formou

  • Rozpoznávanie dezinformácií interaktívnou formou (napr. hra, test, iné…)

  • Zvyšovanie povedomia a odolnosti voči dezinformáciám, budovanie dôvery v mainstreamové a verejnoprávne médiá

Why we organize a Hackathon

The need to identify all stakeholders in culture arises from the Cultural and Creative Industry Strategy of the Slovak Republic until 2030, created by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic. This strategy was consulted with external experts and approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic on June 12, 2023. Specifically, it involves measure 1.5.1 to identify infrastructure in culture and the creative industry, with the aim of preparing a cultural law defining entities and infrastructure of culture and creative industry for legal entities and individuals.

Additionally, according to Act No. 265/2022 Coll. on publishers of publications and on the register in the field of media and audiovisuals and on amendment of certain laws, the Ministry is obliged in the future to maintain and publish a register, which is an information system of public administration containing updated information. The register must be maintained on the ministry’s website and must be accessible to the public.

Public administration institutions need to make informed decisions based on quality data and analysis. The solution of creating a tool for any future registry will provide open possibilities for other ministries and public administration institutions, as well as for the Ministry of Culture itself.

1. Demaskovanie dezinformácií
  • Rozpoznávanie dezinformácií a iného škodlivého obsahu pomocou smart technológií

  • Označovanie škodlivého obsahu na internete automatizovanou formou

  • Overovanie informácií zo sociálnych sietí
2. Mediálna gramotnosť
  • Testovanie mediálnej gramotnosti interaktívnou formou

  • Rozpoznávanie dezinformácií interaktívnou formou (napr. hra, test, iné…)

  • Zvyšovanie povedomia a odolnosti voči dezinformáciám, budovanie dôvery v mainstreamové a verejnoprávne médiá


Prve miesto, tim Sofity

1. place: team Sofity

The winning team Sofity proposed a platform that utilizes artificial intelligence and offers automated management and updating of registers. It can recognize data from PDF files and automatically fill out the subject’s form based on them. Among the platform’s functionalities are proposals for the structure of registers based on descriptions; inclusion of subjects in registers, or mapping of data during imports.

“We appreciate that the challenge was detailed and analytically elaborated. Throughout the process of creating a solution, we closely collaborated with mentors who provided us with useful information, thanks to which we were able to devise a functional solution. I also think that our experience from the previous hackathon helped us to win. We are excited about the victory and plan to participate in other hackathons as well,” evaluated team captain Tetiana Zatykian after receiving the award.

Druhe miesto, tim Argon

2. place: team Argon 

Team Argon presented a solution that ensures easy creation of registers through 2 systems: a website for the public and an application for the Ministry itself. The website serves for the public to register through their own profiles and create a register from available templates. The registers are divided into categories and are also distinguished by numbers for a specific register and tags, which allow easy filtering of registers. In the application, it is then possible to filter the categories we want to send information to and send them directly.

“We don’t go to hackathons with the intention of winning. Our goal is to make the most of these two days, as we see them as an opportunity to learn something new. We have the opportunity to talk to business experts, mentors, and also other competing teams whose experiences push us further,” added team captain Michaela Vavrová about the course of hackathons.

Tretie miesto, tim K3

3. place: team K3

The third place was taken by the team named K3, which came up with a system called “All you need is 1”, based on open-source solutions with minimal redundancy, aimed at making employees’ work as easy as possible.


“It was our first hackathon and we are very pleasantly surprised because we didn’t expect to be among winning teams right away. Many thanks also go to the mentors and organizers who were willing to answer every question,” said Filip Kerák.



Challenge - výzvy hackathonu

Výzva pre hackerov

Vytvor IT riešenie pre dynamické vytváranie registrov kultúrnych subjektov, inputov registrov rôzneho druhu a nastavenia ich vzájomného vzťahu.

*Vzhľadom na požiadavku prepojenia novovybudovaného IS na správu a riadenie investičných projektov, musí byť pri návrhu a tvorbe IS riešená otázka interoperability, ideálne formou REST API rozhrania, ktoré bude v budúcnosti možné rozširovať.

  • Identification of harmful content using smart technologies

  • Detection, labeling and fact-checking of disinformation in the online environment

  • Marking the harmful content on the Internet via an automated system

  • Validating the information shared on social media

Súčasťou očakávaného riešenia je:

  • Identification of harmful content using smart technologies

  • Detection, labeling and fact-checking of disinformation in the online environment

  • Marking the harmful content on the Internet via an automated system

  • Validating the information shared on social media


Piatok – 10. novembra 2023

8:00 – 9:00

Registrácia účastníkov + ranná káva

9:00 – 9:20

Slávnostné otvorenie

9:20 – 9:40
Vysvetlenie zadania a výzvy

9:40 – 10:00

Predstavenie mentorov

10:00 – 13:30





Večera + networking

20:00 – 00:00


Sobota – 11. novembra 2023

00:00 – 8:00


8:00 – 9:30




13:30 – 14:30

Workshop: Ako vyhrať hackathon


Odovzdanie prototypov pre porotu

17:30 – 20:00

Pitch contest súťažiacich + hodnotenie riešení porotou,

20:00 – 21:00

Vyhodnotenie poroty

21:00 – 23:00



Piatok – 10. novembra 2023

8:00 – 9:00

Registrácia účastníkov + ranná káva

9:00 – 9:20

Slávnostné otvorenie

9:20 – 9:40
Vysvetlenie zadania a výzvy

9:40 – 10:00

Predstavenie mentorov

10:00 – 13:30





Večera + networking

20:00 – 00:00


Sobota – 11. novembra 2023

00:00 – 8:00


8:00 – 9:30




13:30 – 14:30

Workshop: Ako vyhrať hackathon


Odovzdanie prototypov pre porotu

17:30 – 20:00

Pitch contest súťažiacich + hodnotenie riešení porotou,

20:00 – 21:00

Vyhodnotenie poroty

21:00 – 23:00


Frequently Asked Questions

The owner of the topics of the Hackathon is Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.

The minimum of 2 people including a speaker e.g. a person that will present the idea, and understands the business and the challenge; and a tech expert who is able to create a prototype or a clickable version of the application / web / product.

As soon as you submit your application, a member of the hacknime.to team will contact you within 24 hours (either by email or by phone) with further information and the procedure.

If you register after the capacity is full or you will not match the criteria for the participating teams, you will not be chosen as the participant.

The basic scoring scale includes:

  • Experience in the IT and TECH industry or
  • Experience in design thinking procedures or
  • Experience in the so-called sprint procedures, SCRUM master certificate or
  • Experience in drawing up business plans, new businesses, creating prototypes or MVP or
  • You are a high school student focused on computer technologies, economics, business or design (both product and digital) or
  • You are a student of a university focused on computer technologies, economics, business or design (both product and digital)< /li>
  • If you do not meet any of the above criteria, you can still prove that you have personally participated in at least two hackathons in the past (it is necessary to prove the output of these events)

⇒ If as an adept (or combined your team) meets at least two requirements from the above criteria, you have the right to participate in the hackathon. The more requirements you fulfill, you move up in the ranking.

Teams or individuals will be able to register until April 10th, 2023, or until the maximum capacity.

The attendee capacity is up to 60 people.

Basic elements of the Solution / POC / MVP / Software:

1. Functionality (description):

Solution / POC / MVP / Software works and meets at least basic user functions

Score from the jury: 1 to 10

2. Completion of the assignment / Relevance (description):

Solution / POC / MVP / Software related to the theme of the hackathon and defined challenges

Score from the jury: 1 to 10

Idea and use cases of the Solution / POC / MVP / Software:

1. Creativity (description):

How creative is the idea of ​​the Solution / POC / MVP / Software?

Score from the jury: 1 to 10

2. Viability (description):

How relevant is the use or use of the Solution / POC / MVP / Software in practice, to solve the given challenge

Score from the jury: 1 to 10

User experience:

1. Intuitiveness / UX Solutions (description):

Is the overall user experience intuitive? Does the Solution / POC / MVP / Software make sense from a user UX point of view?

Score from the jury: 1 to 10

2. Added Value of the Solution / POC / MVP / Software (description):

How quickly will the added value of the Solution / POC / MVP / Software become apparent at first use? Is complex documentation required to understand the Solution / POC / MVP / Software?

Score from the jury: 1 to 10


1. Feasibility (description):

Does the Solution / POC / MVP / Software really work? Is the Solution / POC / MVP / Software easy to scale? The potential of the solution to be actually implemented with the resources that are actually available

Score from the jury: 1 to 10

2. Uniqueness (description):

How is the Solution / POC / MVP / Software Original? Is it something that has not been done before, unique even compared to the competition?

Score from the jury: 1 to 10


Quality of presentation, visual page, content, presentation of information in an interesting form

Score from the jury: 1 to 10

Total score will determine the winner

The organizer and owner of the hackathon theme has the motivation to bring, based on the innovative hackathon event, new solutions for our company, improvement of existing available solutions or otherwise innovate the current state. The competition team can come to the hackathon with a ready-made solution, but it must be visibly demonstrated that, thanks to the hackathon, consultations with mentors and experts, the transformation of its ready-made solution into the final form for the requirements of the Topic Owner took place.
Participation is free of charge. All costs are covered by the organizer.
Yes, participants will be allowed to continue hacking during the night.
Each participant needs to bring his / her own laptop or any other hardware that he / she needs to work on challenges. Other things will be provided by the organizer such as WiFi, food for the whole day (buffets, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and drinks).
The hackathon organizer guarantees full meals and snacks throughout the entire event in the form of buffets. Drinks are provided as well.
Winning teams will have a chance to participate in the development and implementation of the solution in cooperation with the topic owner.

The winning teams enter into a licensing agreement for their solutions developed during the hackathon (the license applies only to what was created during the hackathon). This is a non-exclusive license that is limited to the territory of the Slovak Republic and is unlimited in time. This means, it does not limit the author at all in the dissemination of his work as part of his commercial activities. On the contrary, the owner of the topic (always a public administration institution) is authorized to distribute the license in the interest of the economy within public institutions. The author remains the owner of the work, the owner of the topic has only such a non-exclusive license. In addition, if the winning teams do not agree on the implementation of the winning solution with the Theme Owner, the winning prize money may not be returned to the Organizer.

List of Mentors and Experts

Registration Form

Prize money

1st Place 3000 €​
2nd Place 2000 €​
3rd Place 1000 €​

Registration of competing teams is closed.