Digitalization, innovation and effectiveness of public administration?
Let's hack it!
Fast and modern solutions to solve issues, improve processes and provide better quality digital services for citizens.
The Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic has become a coordinator of the project called Grants with simplified administration (Fast grants) – Hackathons which is financed from the Recovery and resilience fund.
The aim of the project is to provide easier and digitized management of the processes of public administration. This includes the development and testing of the suggested solutions and their implementation.
Regional Development Portal
Design an innovative regional development portal for the Košice self-governing region as a fundamental interactive tool that will provide comprehensive analytical information about the region for the needs of potential foreign and domestic investors.
Digital Citizen
Design a digital solution for the creation of an integrated platform for the provision of digital services and participation of the citizens of the city of Prešov in the form of a digital identity.
Let’s Hack the Competition Documents
Come digitize the Public Procurement Office and design a solution that will automatically search for and generate customized sample competition documents and general terms and conditions, while allowing selection between simple and modular competition documents.
Digital and Efficient Paperless Office
Design a Document Management System (DMS) for creating, managing, and tracking the lifecycle of documents while respecting processes and laws within municipal region administration.
Registers of cultural entities
Design a comprehensive IT solution for dynamic creation and filling of registers of cultural entities.
An innovative digital city model concept which, at its core, offers the ability to simulate various scenarios, provide immediate responses to emerging questions, and predict their real-world impact.
Vehicle entry system to the historic center of Bratislava
Creation of a unified system to optimize access to the historic center of Bratislava, including infrastructure to ensure controlled entry.
My data
Do you have great ideas and would you like to create an interactive way to motivate elderly people to use digital devices, improve their e-literacy and inform them about threats within the online world?
years of experience with innovative events organization
successfully organized hackathons
The broad network of contacts within the startup and business environment
Prize money for top three teams
Plán obnovy a odolnosti je ucelený balík reforiem a investícií, ktoré sa budú realizovať do roku 2026. Je postavený na vízii Slovenska ako inovatívnej ekonomiky, ktorá je motorom udržateľného ekonomického rastu a zárukou úspešného zvládnutia zelenej a digitálnej transformácie; Slovenska ako moderného štátu, ktorý poskytuje občanom kvalitné verejné služby a napokon Slovenska ako zdravej krajiny, ktorá vytvára predpoklady na plnohodnotné využívanie ľudského a prírodného kapitálu. Viac o pláne obnovy